Monday, December 01, 2014

Everything You Ever Need To Know About Life...

... you can learn from:

Thorin: Fili, don't be a fool.
You belong with the Company.
Fili: I belong with my brother!

I asked you guys once who was the sexiest dwarf and Dean O'Gorman made a very respectable showing against such powerhouses as Richard Armitage and Aidan Turner, and it ain't tough to see why.

Dean's turning 38 today so a happy fuzzy day to him. What are your guys thoughts on The Hobbit movies anyway? I keep going and seeing them and enjoying them at the time but they hold very little sway over my imagination; certainly nothing like the Lord of the Rings movies did. I know the third movie's out in a couple of weeks but I haven't even gotten my ticket yet. I s'pose I'll go over the Xmas break. I did see the trailer before something the other day though and I could help but laugh at all the hide-a-gays so prominently displayed; it was like a CG cavalcade of glass closet cowardice.

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