Boooom go the closet doors, it's the previously-Noted-Homosexual Luke Evans and "rumored boyfriend" Jon Kortajarena walking around, eating food, laughing, and (gasp!) touching each other. These are via JustJared, the publicist-sanctioned site of record. I like to think that this is Jon...
... googling Luke and the whole "Noted" thing coming up
causing them have a good laugh, hardy har har.
(But then I am an egotistic blogger who's been harping on some actor's personal life for years, so of course I do.)
JJ's got a ton of pictures; they look adorable, happy, and seriously, honestly, good for them. The funny thing about these pictures is they were taken about a ten minute walk from where I sit right this second - I get it, Luke! I get it. I can take a hint, damn.
Is the delusional troll that keeps going off about how Jon is a straight man because his obviously faulty gaydar and self-hating sexual fantasies say so show up and tell us how it is obvious that Jon isn't into Luke and he is probably just an escort because he just loves pussy and is Spanish (and apparently all straight Spanish men are escorts because they are that open minded) show up or has he finally given up?
Anyway, they look great together! Jon has a great taste in man. I still prefer his previous boyfriend, he is a bit better looking than Luke in my opinion, but Luke must be packing if he gave up a 7 year relationship to be with him.
Luke, you lucky dog.
Don't think I'll ever be able to like guy after he blatantly re-closeted and bearded going against everything he previously stood for.
And I guess I'm the only one who doesn't find the model attractive. He looks like the Rat in Ratatouille.
5:15 you jealous Bitch!
Look at them naughty boys...! (gasp!)
I have the perfect word for them in spanish:
@Andres: Yes, I'm the "delusional troll" you're shitting on about and please remind me again why a gay man and a straight men can't be friends? Why do we live in a culture that has made it so that heterosexual men are afraid of being seen with their gay friends in case someone wrongly assumes their screwing? When I look at these two I just see two friends hanging out, I don't see two boyfriends who are in love or even intimate. But it has become such a shameful thing to be gay that people just assume two men together must be lovers because why else would a heterosexual male want have anything to do with a gay man.
And yes, because I don't live an isolated life; I work and live with gay men on a daily basis, I have gathered observational skills that tell me there's something wrong here. They don't strike me as men in love, being in love with the greatest man on the planet I can attest that this is not how people who have been in a relationship for awhile act. They're very stiff...and not in a good way either. They're body language is similar to paparazzi shots of Bradley Cooper and Michael Fassbender hanging out and since Bradley has been plagued by gay rumors his entire career I bet you're going to tell me Michael Fassbender MUST be his lover because why else would they hang out.
I have in my lifetime, like I said, conversed with literally 1000s of gay men and EVERY SINGLE one has lived up to the "stereotype" of what gay men are in some way or another and there's nothing wrong with that, we shouldn't let heteros shame us for being different because we are and personally I'm proud of that. Gay men who think they are indiscernible from heteros like Andres are very myopic and not very perceptive...you know, the type of gay man who minces into a restaurant wearing lip gloss, frosted tips, a handbag over the shoulder, sporting mui mui clogs, arm in arm with a woman and says this is my wife while everyone secretly snickers behind his back but is too self-deluded to notice. You may not think you're giving off signs of your "terrible" homosexual secret but guess, what YOU ARE!
Give me ONE example Andres of an out homosexual male in the real world (not in your head) that is so masculine and butch and non-stereotypical that people would NEVER in a million years suspect him of being gay but even though he is. I bet you can't even name one.
I admit my "faulty gaydar" may be wrong even though it has in 30 years NEVER failed me (I knew Leann Rimes' husband was gay 8 years before she found out, I knew Tom Daley was gay the first moment I laid eyes on him and right now I know the oldest Jonas brother is gay and Adam Levine is gay even though they're both married to women).
I'll only believe it when I see a photo of them holding hands, kissing or being affectionate (LIKE REAL BOYFRIENDS), so yeah, color me unconvinced...for the time being.
Also I'm on mobile, the hubby and I are on our belated honeymoon so please forgive my bad grammar/spelling. ;)
This is what a GAY Hollywood actor and his GAY male model BOYFRIEND really looks like.
See how they're touching. :/
There goes your incredible gaydar because I am as gay as Jon is, I'm afraid. Though I'm not dating a Welsh actor, unfortunately.
Your delusion and self-hatred is pretty sad. I hope you work some of your issues out in your honeymoon. I mean, by all means, keep believing in your delusional fantasies in which Jon is this macho straight man that loves pussy too much and all, but your are WRONG WRONG WRONG. Your observational skills are so shit that I sincerely hope you don't work in the research field because your delusions you want to cling to keep you from seeing what's so evident to anyone that doesn't want to live in their self-created fantasies.
I've conversed with literally 1000 of gay men as well. More, probably. Comes with my job, in fact, and like any group of people on earth some are exactly as you have described them and, guess what, some aren't. Shocking, I know! Gay men aren't a monolithic group. Or is it just here in Spain that that's the case? I would doubt it but, hey, I haven't lived in every single country like it seems you have, but I would think that would be a universal truth.
In any case, I'm afraid that at least in Jon's case your gaydar is 100% wrong. Sorry. Maybe your gaydar isn't finely tuned to perceived gayness in Spanish men? He was in a relationship for 7 years with a man and was engaged to marry him last year before they broke up because Jon cheated on him, with, you guessed, a MAN! Who wasn't Luke, by the way. Here in Spain, it's pretty much an open secret that Jon is gay and his relationship with his ex was reported in mainstream media. He has never, since becoming famous, been in a relationship with a woman, even though at one point they tried to link him with an actress, probably for publicity reasons, which was hilarious since his boyfriend was lurking in the picture's background. So, I'm sorry, I know you want him badly to be straight because I guess you have a fetish for straight man and him being gay would ruin your fantasy? But he is gay. Very, very sorry. There is plenty of straight men out there you can lust after for your fantasies. Unfortunately Jon isn't one of them.
I can't attest about his relationship with Luke - not sure if they are in love or merely fucking, but Spanish media has reported they had been spotted as being affectionate and they've been pretty accurate about Jon before, so there's that. But hey, maybe you're right and they are just friends. Even if that is so, Jon still isn't straight. Sorry, sorry, sorry.
Also, I hope you get to visit Spain one day. It's almost flattering that you think of my country as such an open-minded place. I wish it was! But, ala, homophobia is still very common here and Spanish straight men aren't the open-minded creatures you seem to think they are. I wish your delusions were real because my life would've been much easier if Spain wasn't as open-minded as you want to think it is, but unfortunately that's also another thing you're wrong about.
My gaydar has never been wrong either. Hooray for our awesome gaydars! I mean, I knew Jon was gay since I first saw an interview with him in Spanish. I can't fathom someone watching him in Spanish interviews and still thinking he is straight. I'm pretty sure every other Spanish person, gay or otherwise, would tell you the same. I supposed some stuff gets lost in translation sometimes, heh?
Anyway, hope your honeymoon goes well! ;)
You mean like this...
Or are you gonna give me your tired old "that doesn't count because they are both European" line to continue your Jon is straight fantasy?
So, I suppose, only couples that are touchy feely with each other in public are legit? Wow, I'll have to break it to so many other people how their relationships have been a lie for so long. Not to mention, almost every single gay couple in Hollywood as well because if they don't have pictures of them kissing in the middle of the street, they are clearly just friends and one of them may be straight in fact!
Thanks for clearing so many things up for me.
i think andres just owned that punk...lmao now kiss & make up.
eu acho este jon o oh horroroso o luke é lindooooo e sexy esse jon tem a cabeça muito grande parece até uma caricatura apesar que os modelos de hoje não são tão lindos como antes né
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