Thursday, November 06, 2014

Good Morning, World

I don't know anything about this Korean actor Lee Je Hoon, I don't know how I found the first picture of him, I haven't seen him in anything that I know of, and yet here we are. 

He's cute though right? Hopefully he and I will get the chance to be acquainted at some point. Hit the jump for a few more pictures, and if anybody knows of him, shout it out.


Joey said...

I can't decide if I want him or McDonald's fries more right now...

A said...

Happy to see Je Hoon getting some attention! Really good actor (handsome as well). His breakout role, and my introduction to him, was in the 2009 gay short "Just Friends?". I recommend the film "Bleak Night".

And despite him being brilliant in it, steer clear of his show "Fashion King". That is, unless you're used to frustrating k-dramas, or are interested in seeing a once promising script shit itself and refuse to leave the room for its last 10 episodes.