--- Panther Man - Marvel did their big announcement yesterday with a lady superhero movie in Captain Marvel and a black superhero in Black Panther getting announced - Chadwick Boseman will be playing the latter. (Although I'd pay good money to see him play the former.) What I appreciate most though is this infographic here at Comics Alliance laying out when all these movies, Marvel and DC and so forth, are coming out via timeline - it's so ridiculously over-booked, you guys. We're going to be up to our eyeballs in spandex for the rest of our lives. (And hey if it's Chris Evans wearing that spandex, I am willing to make that sacrifice.)
--- Panther Man - Marvel did their big announcement yesterday with a lady superhero movie in Captain Marvel and a black superhero in Black Panther getting announced - Chadwick Boseman will be playing the latter. (Although I'd pay good money to see him play the former.) What I appreciate most though is this infographic here at Comics Alliance laying out when all these movies, Marvel and DC and so forth, are coming out via timeline - it's so ridiculously over-booked, you guys. We're going to be up to our eyeballs in spandex for the rest of our lives. (And hey if it's Chris Evans wearing that spandex, I am willing to make that sacrifice.)
--- Horror Revival - Didn't Stephen King say not too long ago that he was planning on slowing down or not writing any more horror or something? I swear I'd checked that box off in my mind and yet what's happened instead is he never stops and I've been unable to keep up with it. (I still haven't read Doctor Sleep, for goodness sake.) He's got a new book called Revival, which sounds like it's his take on Frankenstein (what was I just saying about everything being about Frankenstein right now?), coming out in a couple of weeks and Rolling Stone's got the first excerpt from it. They also apparently have an interview with him in the print magazine.
--- John Lives - I suppose it's Halloween-time so John Carpenter is bound to be in the air, but I feel as if it's been an especially Carpenter-ish few weeks - this piece at Rolling Stone on how underrated his 1988 flick They Live is is just one signifier of countless that I've received that he's in the air. Maybe he can make a new movie then?
--- And Speaking of horror directing legends, Wes Craven's not keeping himself cooped up - he is about to release a five-issue comic book series with Steve Niles called Coming of Rage, which was his answer to the joke starting "A Vampire, a Werewolf and a Zombie walk into a bar." Apparently he's planning on turning it into a TV series, too. You can buy it right now at Amazon!
--- And Speaking of Wes Craven and horror television, the Scream TV show is set to come out next year at this time, and I loved Manuel's take on the news at The Film Experience that we might not be seeing the ghostface mask because of rights issues.
--- Slip On Something Horrible - Also at The Film Experience Nathaniel's list of the ten best 2014 movie-related Halloween costumes is a pip - I don't know why a Boxtroll costume didn't occur to me while watching the movie but totally! That's a great idea.
--- 1313 Stud - You'd think what with the blending of horror and beefcake I'd have seen more David DeCoteau movies than I have... basically I have seen scenes from a few of his movies, and no more. (The Sean Faris scenes in The Brotherhood 2 come to mind often though.) I think it's terrific he's been so successful at gaying up horror and exploiting guy-parts in a genre formerly known for just the girl ones anyway, even if the movies themselves are, uh, tough go's. Here's a nice chat with him (thanks Mac) about his whole thing; have any of you seen his "stab at seriousness" called Leather Jacket Love Story?
--- Hamm Game - This interview with Lisa Kudrow at Vulture (thanks Mac) had me laughing so hard I teared up - it was the bit about Jon Hamm's character on Web Therapy that did it. The interview's mainly about The Comeback and I had to skip the paragraphs where they got into specifics on that since I'm trying to keep myself fresh for the November 9th premiere.
--- Cold Rain - The Playlist is giving away a copy of some movie called The Prince on Blu-ray; I hadn't heard of the film until I saw this post and I only took note of this post because hey look it stars Korean superstar and hot-cake-of-beef Rain. Although you wouldn't know it from any of the actual promotional materials - although you see his face all over the movie's trailer his name is never mentioned; Bruce Willis and Jason Patric get sold, and hell even 50 Cent gets his name in the trailer and it looks like he's all but a cameo. Fuck that noise, some of us will only see this crap for Rain, dummies!
--- And Speaking of Wes Craven and horror television, the Scream TV show is set to come out next year at this time, and I loved Manuel's take on the news at The Film Experience that we might not be seeing the ghostface mask because of rights issues.
--- Slip On Something Horrible - Also at The Film Experience Nathaniel's list of the ten best 2014 movie-related Halloween costumes is a pip - I don't know why a Boxtroll costume didn't occur to me while watching the movie but totally! That's a great idea.
--- 1313 Stud - You'd think what with the blending of horror and beefcake I'd have seen more David DeCoteau movies than I have... basically I have seen scenes from a few of his movies, and no more. (The Sean Faris scenes in The Brotherhood 2 come to mind often though.) I think it's terrific he's been so successful at gaying up horror and exploiting guy-parts in a genre formerly known for just the girl ones anyway, even if the movies themselves are, uh, tough go's. Here's a nice chat with him (thanks Mac) about his whole thing; have any of you seen his "stab at seriousness" called Leather Jacket Love Story?
--- Hamm Game - This interview with Lisa Kudrow at Vulture (thanks Mac) had me laughing so hard I teared up - it was the bit about Jon Hamm's character on Web Therapy that did it. The interview's mainly about The Comeback and I had to skip the paragraphs where they got into specifics on that since I'm trying to keep myself fresh for the November 9th premiere.
--- Cold Rain - The Playlist is giving away a copy of some movie called The Prince on Blu-ray; I hadn't heard of the film until I saw this post and I only took note of this post because hey look it stars Korean superstar and hot-cake-of-beef Rain. Although you wouldn't know it from any of the actual promotional materials - although you see his face all over the movie's trailer his name is never mentioned; Bruce Willis and Jason Patric get sold, and hell even 50 Cent gets his name in the trailer and it looks like he's all but a cameo. Fuck that noise, some of us will only see this crap for Rain, dummies!
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