Well I don't normally kick off a day with
full-on full-frontal but what the eff...
... cuz you know what I realized this morning? Ewan McGregor, the king of whipping it out, hasn't been sufficiently exploited here at MNPP. (See here and here for what little there previously is.) This is very strange. Maybe I've just taken him for granted? Maybe it's that he's sort of slipped a little off the radar the past couple of years, as my giffing skills progressed? Whatever it is I am shocked and appalled by it. Ewan can't seem to understand either...
Ewan McGregor reminds me of Cher's line in Clueless about how "Anything you can do to draw attention to your mouth is good," only instead of his mouth, Ewan believes - rightfully, I might add! - that anything he can do to draw attention to his dick is good. So here he is on The Tonight Show the other night miming his dick flopping out of his motorcycle jumpsuit. (And please do note away how generous he is with his hand motions.) Bless you for the reminder, Ewan. Never forget! (Thanks for the clip, Iggy!)
Ewan McGregor has been one of my favorite actors ever since Trainspotting. I especially loved his performance in Salmon Fishing in the Yemen. He's a handsome hunk, although I wish he didn't shave that beautiful chest hair.
I think you need to rectify your lack of Ewan gratuity. He's so lovely. It'll be hard work but do it for your country and all.
He just keeps getting better looking all the time, doesn't he? Once again I want to remind you guys that there's a movie out there called SCENES OF A SEXUAL NATURE starring him, Hugh Bonneville, (a young) Tom Hardy, Douglas Hodge, Andrew Lincoln, Mark Strong, and many more. It's really good.
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