Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Look At Patrick Wilson's Tits

AKA What did Andy Cohen scream at Patrick Wilson 
on Watch What Happens Live last night? 
Anyway don't mind if I do, Andy Cohen.

Thanks to the anonymous commenter in today's other Patrick Wilson's Body Parts post for the heads-up on this, I never would've known otherwise since I can't watch Andy Cohen's show, what with my mental allergy to everything Andy Cohen touches. That said...

... I might now be secretly harboring a
 "Patrick Wilson on Andy Cohen" fantasy, 
but I'll never ever tell you.


yeah you know what I'm talking about said...

Why do gay men hate other gay men so? It's almost like certain types of women who have a pathological hatred of other women. Hmm, very odd.

Jason Adams said...

I hate Andy Cohen because Andy Cohen foisted that Real Housewives bullshit upon the world; it has nothing to do with what sex organs he prefers swatting at.

Jason Adams said...

Also I borrowed the word "hate" from you and I didn't really even mean it; I don't "hate" him, he's not worth the energy. I just find what he offers to the world profoundly depressing.

Sean said...

I can't stand Andy Cohen either. ANNOYING and most of Bravo's show pretty much suck anyway. Hey, I'm rich and I am the boss, I think I will give myself a show! Yee haw!

Anonymous said...

There was a better/hotter moment that happened in this episode where the camera caught Patrick flexing/bouncing his pecs and he was so embarrassed that the camera caught it. It was glorious haha.