Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Come On Feel The Pull of the Moon

If there's one thing we support here at MNPP it is gay men growing lots of body hair, so a gay werewolf movie is right up our alley. The Pull of the Moon is a new film from long-time friend-of-the-site Terence Johnson (perhaps you know him by @LeNoirAuteur) and that there above is his sales-pitch - he's asking for funding over at IndieGogo, and I am asking y'all to go help him out. As he put it to me, "I have been searching for more horror content that focuses on LGBTQ characters in the lead, rather than as as side characters," and I think we can all agree ten thousand percent with that sentiment. So watch the video, and head over there if you can to contribute a bit, or a lot, and maybe help spread the word yourselves. Thanks!

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