Wednesday, July 30, 2014

One Day My Two Princes Will Come

Well now I have that Spin Doctors song stuck in my head, lucky me. I don't know Sondheim's music for this show at all, please tell me that Chris Pine and Billy Magnussen will be covering the Spin Doctors??? That would be so Sondhiem. (I think I just made some people's heads explode with that sentence, hardy har.) Anyway JJ has the first set of pictures from Into the Woods, Rob Marshall's upcoming Oscar-season musical, and obviously I gravitated to the shots of Pine & Magnussen since they (and okay some Meryl too) are the only reasons I'll be seeing this thing.

Speaking of Billy Magnussen though, he's on stage taking his clothes off again -- huzzah! (See a big gratuitous post on Billy here.) The show is called Sex With Strangers and he's acting opposite Breaking Bad's wonderful wine-slinger Anna Gunn. You can see a clip reel here (thanks Mac) and here are a couple of pictures...

1 comment:

joel65913 said...

That Billy, he's so generous to us.

I enjoyed Into the Woods on stage lets hope they don't screw it up in the transfer. At least Chris and Billy will serve as a balm if they do.