Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Once Upon a Time in the Wes

Wes Bentley is going to be on American Horror Story! He's just doing a couple of episodes says here (thanks Mac) but it sounds like he'll be there to torment Kathy Bates and y'all tell me - doesn't that sound like fun? I think getting to act with Kathy Bates is probably any actor's dream-job. I can't imagine ever wanting to be an actor but I would become one if it meant I could act opposite Kathy Bates, even if for a day. An hour! Just give me long enough to yell, "He didn't get out of the COCKADOODIE CAR!" at her, whatever, I'll take it.

I didn't make mention of her in my review of Tammy, I was too busy willing myself away from the movie's terribleness to even make note of how sure enough she swept in and was awesome and totally credible for a couple of scenes and then rode away on a cloud of goodwill again. God, she's everything.

1 comment:

The Bloody Munchkin said...

Can we just put Wes Bentley in all of the things? And not just in a weird beard so he can be along side Donald Sutherland for a long hot second? Or in Amanda Seyfried tripe that I'm only bothering to watch because he's in it? Like actual good things that do well? American Horror Story is certainly a start, I guess, but come on. Can we make a Leftovers 2 with Wes Bentley doing the sweatpants running? Something, anything, please?