Monday, July 14, 2014

I Am Link

--- True To You - I am guessing we'll hear a lot of news on the second season of True Detective this week since the flood-gates have opened, but word broke over the weekend that Colin Farrell is in talks to lead the new... trio? Quartet? I keep hearing different numbers for how many leads it'll have. There's also a less substantial rumor that Taylor Kitsch might be taking on a part. Kitsch, ass aside, I can give or take, but I adore Colin Farrell and am totally down with him being on it. I mean it can't possibly be more WTF than his last thing.

--- Tut Tut TInkerbell - The news that Christopher Walken is playing Captain Hook in the upcoming NBC live-musical (following The Sound of Music, which brought us that Hot Nazi Youth Ass) version of Peter Pan is terrific but I was super sad to hear that the lead was offered to Kristen Bell but she had to turn it down because of a conflict.

--- I See Dead People - Our pal Glenn takes on the television landscape littered with corpses and looks back and that first pretty girl in the beach-bound body-bag and how Twin Peaks influenced the state of TV violence today.

--- Space Chest - I don't know nuthin bout no Leviathan Wakes book series but I guess SyFy is turning the fantasy science-fiction story into a show and that show will star Thomas Jane, so thanks to my endless fur-appreciation for Thomas' talents I now at least know the books by name. Anybody familiar?

--- Land Ho - Hungarian director György Pálfi's 2006 flick Taxidermia (my review) is the kind of movie you remember and make a mental note to keep track of its director, but it's been so long that suddenly seeing a trailer for his new movie did get a jolt of surprise out of me today. It's called Free Fall and it's about a woman falling out of a window who witnesses a different story on each floor going down. Of course it is!

--- After Wise - In other under-appreciated filmmaker news, director Stephen Cone made 2012's wonderful The Wise Kids (my review) and thankfully we won't have to wait too much longer for new stuff - he's already got one movie finished; it's called Black Box and it's been hitting the festivals. And now he's casting another film - it will be called Henry Gamble's Birthday Party and it will star Pat Healy.
--- RIP Spider-Bum - The fate of Spider-Man is in flux - the last movie didn't do nearly as well as the studio wanted it to and so the writer is saying he doesn't know what's up with the franchise, even while they've long had dates staked out for the third one and that Sinister Six spin-off, et cetera. But it's not like they're going to allow the Spider-Man rights to go anywhere so I have no doubts once they figure out the direction they're going, we'll hear something.

--- Forget Hell - In a Reddit chat Guillermo Del Toro has smacked the megaphone out of Ron Perlman's hand and let us all know that the chance of a third Hellboy movie happening are not good. Personally I'm not all that broken up, save some great monster designs I was never head-over for the Hellboys - I'm much more excited about a second Pacific Rim or one of the other fifty projects GDT keeps talking up.

--- And Finally the first teaser for the next season of American Horror Story, the circus one, popped up online, and it's some of the usual atmospheric pretty creepy stuff. Watch:



John said...

That's funny that you say that but I fell the exact opposite about them. I think Colin is already filming TD, according to

John said...

Yes, I know I spelled that wrong. My brain is faster than my keyboard.

a homo at the end of the world said...

Colin Farrell looks like a filthy junkie struggling to keep his HIV in check. He USED to be hot in the early 2000s, he isn't anymore.

tanpoffel said...

Palfi is not Polish but HUNGARIAN -- still, as you said, a director worth keeping an eye on!

Jason Adams said...

Right HUNGARIAN sorry I meant to double-check what my brain was throwing out there but forgot. Will fix. :)