Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Here Comes The Nightcrawler Time

I didn't even notice that the "skinny Jake Gyllenhaal movie" Nightcrawler was playing at TIFF when I skimmed the fest's titles the other day - I still haven't gotten the title Nightcrawler lodged in the front of my brain yet; it doesn't on its own jump out at me. Anyway they're working hard to change that - there was that terrific manic viral clip they dropped over the weekend, and now there's a more proper teaser trailer and that beautiful poster (via) to stare at. 

I really, really, really wanna see this movie now. I feel bad that I doubted - I was irritated when Jake lost all the weight for this role, I feared McConaughey-esque awards-baiting, but looking at it in context, well, string me up as a pitiful Doubting Thomas and shame me in the public square. This movie seems way too weird, slash wonderful, for what I feared. Jake had that lull where he slowed down his career post a couple of flops and I kept whining about wanting more, but it seems he used the time well to find the right projects, because he's been on fire. End of Watch, especially Enemy, and even though I wasn't crazy about what he was doing in Prisoners (too twitchy) it was still an interesting movie. Anyway yeah, I'm talking to you, big boy. Keep it up.


MrJeffery said...

i love that poster.

Anonymous said...

I remember a few years ago blogging about how Gyllenhaal's career had dissolved into a HUGE disappointment. This surge in his career is pretty awesome! And...he's vastly more talented than McConaughey so YAY this time around!

dk468 said...

Renee Russo looking good! I was at a worship service with her in San Jose. Nice to know that the sister's career still going well.

dk468 said...

Renee Russo looking good! I was at a worship service with her in San Jose. Nice to know that the sister's career is still going well.