Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Good Morning, World

I don't think I ever even finished the first season of Under the Dome - save a couple of elements (Mike Vogel, Mike Vogel in blue jeans, Mike Vogel in blue jeans crouching or walking away) it just wasn't doing much for me. I turned in to the new season though, really just because I'd missed seeing Mike Vogel crouching in blue jeans, and... well I can't really say it's better per se, but there was some hilarious axe-murdering and people being crushed by cars, and they've still got Mike in his blue jeans, so you know, I'll watch now and then probably. Don't judge me. Okay hit the jump for a few more shots of shirtless Mike from last night's episode... he's so golden I want to do an old-timey prospector's dance every time I see him...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Blue jeans have never looked as hot on anybody else as they do on Mike Vogel. I don't know what it is but damn!