Thursday, June 05, 2014

Today's Fanboy Delusion

Today I'd rather be...

... giving Bradley Cooper the hose again.

Okay so what you're telling me is that in American Sniper there's a scene where the currently beefed-to-perfection Bradley Cooper wears a white t-shirt and itty bitty military shorts-shorts with a large group of similarly attired men, and then they all do sit-ups together, and then Bradley gets hosed down? That's what you're telling me? 

I am gonna need to take a breather.

You guys hit the jump for the rest while I... breathe.


Countervail said...

Scuse me but someone obviously forgot leg day... often.

Anonymous said...

It's fun to stay at the...YMCA!

AG said...

I have never been attracted to Bradly before this but OMG those short tight shorts and that wet short...DROOL <3

iggy said...

At first I honestly thought you had photoshopped the pictures, because these pictures seem to have been taken only to be published here. Amazing... outfit. Do real people wear those shorts? The photos could've been only better if the guy with the hose in his hands was Jake Gyllenhaal;)