Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Raise Your Hand If You Forgot...

... that Taylor Lautner exists. 

Who, me? (via)


Prospero said...


Shonquila said...

So he come out yet? O_O

AG said...

He looks horrible.

Sorry but I miss the boyish faced tanned and muscular hottie.

This pale and hairy look does not suit at all IMO

Smithy said...

I was channel surfing the other day and came across the scene in Breaking Dawn 2 where he strips down for Bella's dad, and he's basically like some kind of platonic ideal in that scene, so anything after that is going to be a comedown, and indeed, you can tell that in another few years Lautner is going to be nothing much to look at, you know, I'd still hit that. He might have to shave first, though.