That's a pap-snap of Miss Swinton on the NYC set of Judd Apatow's upcoming movie with my new best girlfriend Amy Schumer called Trainwreck - I was just thinking the other day that I wanted to see Tilda shake up her look a little, and here we are, with a million dollar wig and some fancy-lady accoutrement. She looks lovely. A Judd Apatow joint is not the place I was expecting this from, ya know? What the hell do we think Amy's got up her sleeve with this flick anyway?
the cast! the cast!!!
It's crazy, right?
Looking at the photo, a Jodie Foster faux biopic in which she auditions for Dallas? ;)
tilda swinton stars in trainwreck: the jodie foster golden globe speech
I look at this picture and imagine myself at a dinner party somewhere, everything just a little too fancy, and I feel self-conscious, picking at my sweater, which is too tight around my middle and I keep re-squaring my shoulders; I sit perched on the edge of a velvet-covered settee with a small plate balanced on my knees, and a well-dressed woman leans down and says, "Would you like more wine?" and I startle, recognizing the voice, and look up at there's Tilda, undercover in this costume, holding a bottle and leaning over toward me, and she sees me recognize her and she smiles, and as she refills my wineglass she puts her finger to her lips and winks.
Wha-ha-ha-ha-hat is haaaapening?
Can Tilda stay in costume just long enough to film a second movie with Mariah Carey's Precious character, where they go out for G&T's after their tough days at the awfice and try to make sense of their lives? I'm thinking equal parts Clockwatchers and Fat City. If only Karen Black had stayed alive long enough to play their favorite bartender in this movie.
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