Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Good Morning, World

I've got some catching up to do, Josh Harnett-wise! By now a full day's worth of internet has caught up with this week's Penny Dreadful and its... happenstances... so we should just get down to it. Hi Josh! I mean this isn't even the half of it but since the half of it is spoilery and we are still only a couple of days down from it having aired I'll put it all after the jump. S'good. S'good stuff, y'all. Hit it...

Those last few shots are from an earlier episode and that's the TB-Prostitute under him, not Reeve Carney, but selective editing can make lots of things seem possible, eh? Anyway... this shit was hot, right? Right. I wish Reeve Carney would stop flat-ironing his bangs, it's a little off-putting, but other than that I'm in.


Bill Carter said...

I didn't watch "Penny Dreadful" until Monday. After that devastating episode of "Game of Thrones", I just turned off the TV for the rest of the night.

Gotta admit, that last scene from "Penny Dreadful" surprised and delighted me. Really didn't see it coming.

PS. I love Reeve Carney's hair.

BRB said...

At this point, Penny Dreadful's alternate title should be 'The Alabaster Buttocks of Joshua Hartnett.'

Anonymous said...

Dorian would have been the bottom

http://ricksrealreel.blogspot.com/ said...

I watched this show for the first time Sunday...I have a new appreciation for Josh Hartnett. He's like Ashton Kutcher, but with talent and charisma!