Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Is Michael Fassbender Trying To Hurt Me?

Michael, there's a much better way for you to hurt me.


Anonymous said...

Why hurt? Maybe he's trying to help. He's a helping guy. ;)

das buut said...

He looks like he's deciding the best way to get him to shutup and swallow. Unzip, Michael. The world is your oyster-shaped glory hole and will gladly wear your pearl necklace.

Also, if I were to ever write RPS, this would definitely be in my top 3, the first being Noted Homosexual/Bubble butt Superman. Yes, I have a thing for tortured closet cases. I am a sad, sad person.

Unknown said...

This would be a hotter pairing than with Naomi Campbell (though I don't for a minute believe that one).

He will hurt me if the rumor about doing The Revenant with Innaritu and (possibly) Day-Lewis turns out to be false.

Unknown said...

oh shit!! Michael looks like he is about to go to beast mode. I'm praying he doesn't hurt you.