Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Good Morning, World

Christopher Meloni has been tweeting out exploitative tweets about himself (and his meaty ass) for the past week trying to get people to watch his new FOX comedy show called Surviving Jack, including the above picture. Thing is I just fast-forwarded through all three episodes of his show so far and the above shot isn't actually anywhere in them... as far as I could see, watching it as I explained in fast-forward. Liiiies!!! What there is however, since Chris Meloni manages to make everything he touches sexy, is a kind of inappropriate air in his interactions with the actor who plays his son, upon first glance. I mean maybe I'm projecting but whatever - I'm in!

1 comment:

das buut said...

Oh, good, I was looking for a new show to renew my membership in 'Special Hell'. Wincest, now this.