Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Good Morning, Gratuitous Giulio Berruti

I've been needing a replacement Italian since Raoul Bova's been hard to come by as of late, so thankfully for all of us this fellow Giulio Berruti saw the opening and went for it. He dove right into my opening! Oh, Giulio.

Naturally I haven't seen any of Giulio's actual work (naturally who gives a shit) - no I haven't seen Peter Greenaway's 2012 film Goltzius and the Pelican Company, which appears to be ninety minutes of Giulio walking around with an erection (you're going to want to hit the jump once we get there, by the way), and no I haven't seen The Lizzie McGuire Movie, which... what? Okay apparently he was in The Lizzie McGuire Movie. OK. (Is The Lizzie McGuire Movie ninety minutes of him walking around with an erection too?) None of this matters though because I have seen the following, and it contains all I need to know.

See what I mean? You see what I mean.

I see, I see so good. Alright I have a whole lot to share after the jump (click back a couple of paragraphs and read what I said about the Greenaway movie - I ain't blowing smoke here, people) so let's go. Come with me, and you'll see... a world of pure imagination!


iggy said...

Somehow, this made me think that I can't imagine Efron going this kind of full frontal. His would be a dark and quick one.
Viva L'Italia!

Anonymous said...

What show is the first pic and the gay scene?