Monday, April 14, 2014

Beauty & The Do Dump or Marry

This week's "Beauty Vs. Beast" competition over at The Film Experience is in honor of Robert Carlyle's 54th birthday - head on over there and vote whose Trainspotting team you're on between him and Ewan McGregor's character.

But I figure since I found these pictures of the two of them plus their co-star Jonny Lee Miller I really should ask y'all while you're here at MNPP a round of Do Dump or Marry for this trio! I do intend this to be for their characters, mind you, so you're choosing between Renton, Begbie, and Sick Boy. Have at it in the comments!


The Bloody Munchkin said...

Do Renton, because I'm not a sixteen year old in a school girl's outfit, it wouldn't work long term.

Dump Begbie because ugh.

Marry Sickboy so her can tongue me acid for eternity. God Sickboy and everything Miller did back then was so my damage. Just yes please.

iggy said...

Marry Renton, do Sick Boy, dump the other one.

AG said...

I have no idea about the film so just on looks -

- Dump Robert Carlyle
- Do Jonny Lee Miller (I had a crush on him watching Mansfield Park)
- Marry Ewan McGregor

Jason Adams said...

Everybody's gonna be dumping Begbie no doubt, so let me give him some love - I'd have some hate-sex with him where I got to slap him around a bunch; I would marry Sick Boy; and I would dump the shit out of Renton. I love Ewan but his character in this movie with all his endless yammering would get on my nerves. And that toilet crawl is a dealbreaker.

iggy said...

But without Renton, there would be no Ewan, and I can't live in a world with no Ewan (talk about hyperboles).

Brad said...

ugh. these are the choices? I choose celibacy LOL