Thursday, March 20, 2014

Pics of the Day

I stopped watching the new trailers for A Game of Thrones a little while ago because I was seeing too much footage; I wanted to keep myself daisy-fresh coming in (or as fresh as a daisy that's already spoiled itself by reading all of the books, of course). But I'd forgotten this avoidance was costing me my first look at the spectacularly attractive actor Michiel Huisman in character, who's joined the cast this year in the role of Daario (he's taking over from another actor). Woe is us! 

Thankfully I was flipping through the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly and there he was, and I remembered - besides all the Kits and all the Niks, I need to be staring at some Micks dang it all!

Endless swoon. If you'd like to see a lot of Michiel, I highly recommend you click back to this post (which is weirdly exactly one year old today) where we discovered the fact that Michiel Huisman is in fact totally allergic to clothes and seems to spend more time on-screen naked than dressed. Things are looking hopeful for season four, you guys!

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