Friday, March 21, 2014

Jude Hard And Put Away Wet

There's a brand new behind-the-scenes featurette on Jude Law's upcoming comedy Dom Hemingway (via), which is out on April 2nd, and mercy be there are a couple new nudie shots in it worth celebrating. Like the above image, which I will cherish forever and ever, amen. (Click here for some caps of Jude's butt in another trailer.) Here's the new video:

If you hit the jump you can see a few more...


Lucksaw said...

I am literally DYING at the prospect of seeing Jude all wet and in those skimpy black briefs in the pool scene.


Bosie said...

It comes out on Blu-Ray in the UK at the end of this week, hopefully we'll get some lovely caps of that fat meaty arse. Yum! ;)

Anonymous said...

Why is Jude Law so shy about showing his penis in this when he has never been before?