Friday, March 21, 2014

I Am Link

--- Xav Two Five - I missed this yesterday but a happy belated 25th birthday to French-Canadian hipster savant Xavier Dolan - IndieWire has a nice little piece briefly running through Dolan's short but impressive career so far. Can we get Tom at the Farm already please? I'm dying here.

--- Da Curse - I was never a very big fan of The Grudge movies - by the time the American remakes were running roughshod over the box office here I'd already gotten J-Horror'd out by watching all of the original films. Anyway apparently Sam Raimi thinks we're ready for a return to little boys in white make-up popping out of mailboxes, because he's prepping a reboot of the series. The dude who wrote The Midnight Meat Train (I mean the movie script - not Clive Barker, unfortunately) is scripting.

--- Lizard King - Omar Sy, the French actor who broke out with The Intouchables, has just joined the cast of Jurassic World. I guess he's also in the new X-Men movie, but then it's hard to keep up with all the returning actors in the new X-Men movie much less any new people. I just saw Omar in Michel Gondry's Mood Indigo the other week; it's the first time I've ever seen him in anything (no I have not seen The Intouchables).

--- X For Everything - Speaking of the mutants, we might be getting all sort of X-Men movies - wanna see them fight The Fantastic Four? Sure, we could do that! A Dazzler movie? Hells yeah! The Playlist runs through all the dates that FOX has just taken over with plans on eying a world of franchises to come.

--- And Speaking of our now infinite franchise culture, Cinema Blend's got a great piece on how the big stars of the Marvel Universe - think Robert Downey Jr, Chris Evans, and Chris Hemsworth - have probably priced themselves out of future contracts and how they will deal with that; basically the comics, with their never-ending story-lines where people die and come back forever and ever, have set a template that the studio will probably be aping.

--- Mystery Woman - You definitely don't want to read this interview with Enemy's Sarah Gadon (aka David Cronenberg's newest muse) if you haven't watched the film yet because it talks explicitly about the ending, but if you have seen it it's a must. (thanks Mac) Anyway for the record (since I have yet to write down my spoilery thoughts on this film; here's my non-spoilery review) what she's saying is jiving with where I am on it.

--- Robo Pocalypse - There's still a chance we might get a second Pacific Rim movie - the head of the film's studio Legendary is quick to defend the film, which didn't do great at the US box-office but did smashing overseas; he places it in context to a whole bunch of other properties and says that for an unknown name it actually did very well. I sure hope we get more!

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