--- Mag Men - We know that Dane DeHaan and Robert Pattinson have been filming that
James Dean movie for awhile now (hell we've already gotten an official picture of the two of them in it) but that's not stopping new people from being cast in the film - on Friday it was announced that
Joel Edgerton will be in the movie too, playing Pattison's editor at
LIFE magazine (the movie's about Pattinson's character photographing
Dean, played by DeHaan, on a road-trip). And hey look we already have pictures of Joel on the set! The world works fast.
--- Calm The Storm - There are rumors bouncing around that Halle Berry's role as Storm has been reduced to a glorified cameo in the new X-Men
movie, which I agree would be awesome - but it seems that's all this
is. That is, a collective wish the internet is making that we can be
done with her lousy take on the character. Team Lupita!
--- Yellow Fever - Over at The Film Experience Nathaniel tackled Denis Villenueve's twisty new film with Jake Gyllenhaal called Enemy; I reviewed it awhile back too but I kept that spoiler-free and I really want to write up something of a spoilery nature now that I've seen it a second time, getting into what I think it's all about, so if I can find the time keep your eyes peeled for that.
--- Meat Dress - A movie is being developed about the therapist who
treated the real-world inspiration for Buffalo Bill, the killer from
The Silence of the Lambs. (You know, the one not naked Hannibal Lecter.)
I actually don't know anything about this creep, so I'm gonna go fall
down a rabbit hole now; expect me to have nightmares tonight.
--- Sex Dad - I guess this means we won't be seeing a whole lot more of Nicholas D'Agosto's beautiful bared bum and side-part (in that order) on Masters of Sex, but we will be seeing him in his new venture, since he's joined the cast of Greta Gerwig's upcoming sitcom How I Met Your Dad. I am super wary of this project, so I hope they prove my fears unfounded. Adding Nick is a nice way to start.
--- Claws Retracted - Sure enough Hugh Jackman's talk of aging out of playing Wolverine was only talk, or at least very far future speculation, because he's already trying to sell us on another character-centric movie to come out in 2017 or 2018. He'll be reteaming with The Wolverine director James Mangold on it. Whoopty doo.
--- Go Lowe - Today is the 50th birthday of Rob Lowe and I'm sure I won't have time to lavish on him so it's a good thing Nathaniel did so over at The Film Experience, giving us A History Of. That man has lived a life and a half. I suppose I might as well link to those pictures of him in a jockstrap and beyond since we're here though, right? Right.
--- Spies Like Them - Superbad director Greg Mottola is making Keeping Up With the Jonseses next, which will star Jon Hamm and Zach Galifinakis as neighbors who discover the other one's family are government spies. (No word on who's the spy and who's the non-spy.) Who should play their wives? Kristen Wiig and Melissa McCarthy seem fairly obvious - probably too obvious, I think. And MM is making a spy movie already. There are tons of under-used funny ladies out there besides them anyway. I mean just cast the other two in Bridesmaids - Maya Rudolph and Rose Byrne. Done.
I've never seen a second of HIMYM, but I feel with this cast that I have to watch HIMYD. (I guess I said the same thing about Mom, too, and that never happened.)
Also, I feel you buried the HIMYD casting lead by not mentioning the burly ginger who's going to playing a homosexual on the show.
Shit I didn't even notice he was playing a homosexual but now that you say that I remember there's supposed to be homosexuals on the show. I just didn't know who he was and was fixated on Nick, is all. THERE IS NO ANTI-GINGER CONSPIRACY.
RLowe was wonderfully wicked in BAD INFLUENCE. He would have bee much better in INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE than that short Scientology guy.
I remember going to see a Rob Lowe movie back in the day, when he was at the peak of his fame. The most interesting thing that happened was a handjob from my date.
I can't with Lowe, plastic looking face and very limited range. There were (and there are) so many other handsome guys. But I guess in ten years we'll be calling Gerald Butler, thespian.
I doubt D'Agostino's casting in "HIMYD" is going to have much effect at all on his role in "Masters of Sex." Like Allison Janney in "Mom" and Beau Bridges in "The Millers," he's a Showtime actor cast on a CBS sitcom, and CBS owns Showtime. There's good reason for everyone to play nice and share.
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