Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Good Morning, World

These shots of Shawn Ashmore exposing himself (so to speak) on a recent episode of the serial killer drama The Following (via) put a couple of thoughts in my mind. First, it's kind of the first time I've been attracted to Shawn, which isn't all that surprising - the edges of his boyishness have been singed off and I tend to prefer some roughness. (Although as for it being the first time I've found him attractive I was just reminded of that super-gay scene he shared with Hugh Jackman in the second X-Men movie, and I did enjoy that.) Next I realized that between this show here and X-Men that's a lot of being passed back and forth between Bryan Singer and Kevin Williamson, which... well I wish him luck. Anyway now's when you tell me if I am missing anything not watching The Following. And then you can see a couple more shots after the jump...


Roark said...

What you're missing is one of the worst shows on television. The Following is the anti-Hannibal. Avoid it at all cost!

Brad said...

I want the Ashmore twins so badly! I'm happy they're growing out of their boyishness, too, but I wouldn't have kicked 'em out for not being rugged enough before lol

Glenn said...

He's going back and forth between Bryan Singer and Kevin Williamson, you say...?