The final cast for the Fantastic Four reboot seems to be, uh, finalized more or less - we've known for awhile that Michael B. Jordan was playing Johnny Storm aka The Human Torch aka the role that gave us Chris Evans half-naked time and time again, and we recently heard that Miles Teller was pretty much a go for Mr. Fantastic (which still doesn't sit with me well - he is far too young for that part).
Now we've got words on the other two legs of the quartet - Kate Mara, who I've liked ever since Brokeback Mountain is gonna be Sue Storm - I don't remember seeing her name mentioned before now, and I think she's a great choice. I wasn't sure if she could pull off blonde (Sue Storm has got to be blonde) but I googled it and she totally can - it won't be some uncanny Jessica Alba weirdness, thankfully.
Now we've got words on the other two legs of the quartet - Kate Mara, who I've liked ever since Brokeback Mountain is gonna be Sue Storm - I don't remember seeing her name mentioned before now, and I think she's a great choice. I wasn't sure if she could pull off blonde (Sue Storm has got to be blonde) but I googled it and she totally can - it won't be some uncanny Jessica Alba weirdness, thankfully.
But then there's the weird news - Jamie Bell is going to play the Thing? Really? Don't get me wrong I love Jamie Bell, I've been making that clear for years now, but itty bitty wee little laddie Jamie seems an odd pick. I suppose that might be what they're going for - lil' him being mutated into BIG BRICK MAN will make for a clear change. I mean you could barely tell when Michael Chiklis even had the make-up on.
Is this the Fantastic Hour in high school? I'm not feeling it at all.
um.....is it just me, but, well he still looks hot, but.....isn't he looking a little chunky? Or is it just the shirt folds?
BAHAHA, your post title is brilliant.
Not exited about this cast at all.
Actually not even excited for a remake - isn't it too soon?
And aren't the Human Torch & Invisible Woman supposed to siblings o_O
Are they going to do the adoptive storyline like in 90210?
What the... Fox, have you lost your god damn minds?
They're fucking with us. That's all there is to it. This isn't even a case of some exec using buzz words and twitter polls to create their 'dream cast'. This is some Simpsons/Daria level 'ironic' shit.
I can hear Daria now "Let me guess, the villain will be Sue Storm's evil twin, a blonder, sluttier version of her. As the villain, she will be more sympathetic and well rounded as a person to make her transformation into a 'good girl' more believable. Of course, this will have the unintended side effect of exposing the crappy writing and sloppy production by demonstrating how two-dimensional the 'good guys' really are. The same effect happened in Marvel's other production, a movie the fans agree should be renamed "Loki...And Some Other Stuff Nobody Cares About". All this really shows is that Hollywood will take something creative, consume it, crap it out, wraps some pretty white ribbons around it, and then clone the hell out of it for the next ten years; all to make a quick buck."
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