--- High Enough - As you might expect from a movie called Everest that stars Jason Clarke, the first picture released is of Jason Clarke standing in the snow on the side of a mountain. It's probably safe to assume the mountain is Mount Everest as well, unless they're throwing us an unexpected curve-ball. Still since this movie stars Clarke and Jake Gyllenhaal, you best believe I'm paying attention to everything.
--- Dead Beat Dad - We just yapped a bunch about our worries about Greta Gerwig taking on the spin-off sitcom for How I Met Your Mother, but Margaret Lyons over at Vulture is making us feel a little less spazzy about it. She makes good points.
--- Like A Good Neighbor - The Summer when I was 12 my cousin and I were obsessed with the Tom Hanks movie The Burbs and watched it dozens of times, but I haven't seen it since. Now the lead singer of one of my favorite bands Lost in the Trees wrote up a piece praising the movie and I feel like I have to revisit it immediately.
--- Stare Down - After reading my pal Joe Reid's piece on the trailer for the new Patricia Highsmith adaptation The Two Faces of January, starring Viggo Mortensen and Oscar Isaac and Kirsten Dunst, I was tempted to gif the hell out of all the times Viggo and Oscar give each other sexy stare-downs, but nope, I just can't with Oscar Isaac.
--- And Speaking of giffing the hell outta something I missed Laura Dern's birthday the other day but our pal Glenn sure didn't - he offered up a delightful assortment of Laura giving good face. She is spectacular.
--- Ku Klux Kraziness - Apparently Harmony Korine wrote a book in 1998 called A Crack-Up At The Race Riots
which was about an alternative-universe Florida where whites and blacks
split up into warring factions led by Vanilla Ice and MC Hammer
respectively, and James Franco is going to star in a movie version of it now, playing a KKK leader. Not clear if he or Korine are directing. All I know if I have to get a copy of that book immediately.
--- Water Logged - There's a long piece over at The Hollywood Reporter talking to Darren Aronofsky about the making of Noah, wherein he apparently (I haven't read it yet) admits that he and the studio duked it out over the final cut, and he won. Let's hope so because damn the trailers for it have me Grade A worried.
1 comment:
Re: "In which was about an alternative-universe Florida where blacks and whites split up into warring factions led by Vanilla Ice and MC Hammer respectively."
I think I had this dream once. Ended with Hammer smothering Vanilla Ice with the hammer pants and yelling "Hammer time bitch." So obviously this movie needed to happen like yesterday.
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