Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Do Dump or Marry - Three Dudes in a Blizzard

I missed these pictures of the cast of Gregg Araki's White Bird in a Blizzard at Sundance last month - I do wish Thomas Jane had been there standing beside his co-stars Christopher Meloni and Shiloh Fernandez because that's a visual I need in my life, but seeing Araki himself being all friendly with his men-folk's not too shabby either.

So let's include the director in this round! Three men stand before us. The director Gregg Araki, and the actors Christopher Meloni and Shiloh Fernandez. One you will do (a one-time schtupping session), one you will dump (a no-time nothing session), and one you will marry (a forever and ever everything). Let it rip in the comments!


Anonymous said...

I'd marry Maloni and I couldn't care less about the other two... and I would marry Meloni just to get to fuck him every night!

mangrove said...

I'd marry Araki because he must come up with some kinky stuff on the regular so I'd never be bored.

I'd do Fernandez because I have seen the river scene in The East.

And I'd dump Meloni, because I've seen Oz and the guy humps refrigerators for Pete's sake.

Sandisan said...

I'd have to marry Meloni (I suppose I could make the sacrifice) cuz YESYESYES.

Do Araki cuz he looks cute and I could do with that for a night.

Dump Fernandez cuz I think I've seen him in something but he wasn't particularly memorable.

The Bloody Munchkin said...

Do Fernandez, as long as he doesn't talk.

Dump Maloni because he's never been my cuppa. Sorry everybody. The floggings will commence shortly I'm sure.

Marry Araki for the reasons Mangrove elicits.

Anonymous said...

I'd be so busy doing Meloni, I'd forget the other 2 options, and whoever else is in the pictures.

Fernando Moss said...

Do Araki, he's hot. Dump Meloni, doesn't really do anything for me. Marry Shiloh! C'MON!

And I wanna be besties with Gabourey Sidibe.

Prospero said...

Do Araki
Dump Fernandez
Marry Meloni

WJ said...

Gonna dump Meloni...just to get back together for angry make up sex. After that I'm gonna do him some more & marry him

poo man chew said...

DO - Shiloh

MARRY - Meloni

DUMP - Margaret Cho

Brad said...

ugh, these are the options? I'll stay single and celibate, but thanks LOL ;)