First things first there's a hi-res look at The Marvel Moment That Matters in what's we've seen so far from Guardians of the Galaxy. Click it to embiggen muchly, and try not to short circuit your computer by drooling all over your screen. We posted a heaving gif version yesterday but you can only get a gif so big. Next matter - I'm sure you've seen it by now but the Guardians trailer dropped last night, here it be:
I haven't read anybody's reactions yet so I might be off base but I feel like people might not have been expecting quite the jokey tone it takes - that's some straight up goofiness. I was expecting goofy and that even out-did me. I like it though, I'm totes psyched about the movie. And goofiness aside most importantly we learned something very very serious from the trailer - not only does Chris Pratt lose his shirt, but he's pantless too.
apart from a pumped up chris pratt i had no interest in this movie at all...but that trailer has me totally on board. well played, marvel marketeers (you diabolical bastards)
I think Pratt's LEGO Movie character said it best... Everything Is Awesome.
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