Thursday, January 09, 2014

So Much Mutant Man Meat

A pair of new pics from the next X-Men movie Days of Future Fourgy (via), and yes that's our first glimpse of Evan Peters playing Quicksilver there in the back. (Is he wearing an old Storm wig?)  Speaking of fourgies, my god. Bryan Singer must've been having a blast on the set of this damned thing. Every which way he turned, wham some more eye candy. This is what the Lumières had in mind, no ifs ands or buts (definitely some butts though). And I really feel as if this second picture is just screaming out for a funny caption, don't you?


The Bloody Munchkin said...

Re: the caption for that second picture:

"Hugh Jackman gives so good he makes people levitate."

Not my best work, but I'm not working at maximum capabilities here.

Scot said...

Ya gotta wonder why somebody is Duct-Taped to the wall in the background.