Friday, January 17, 2014

I Am Link

--- Days In Store - Some details on Bryan Singer's star-stuffed X-Men Days of Future Fourgy have leaked - I don't think they're actually all that spoilery although your mileage may vary, so be prepped for that going in. It's not like they tell us if Halle Berry can act this time or not.

--- Girl Story Prisoners director and professional Gyllenhaalic Denis Villeneuve is looking to make a sci-fi flick next - an adaptation of the short story "The Story of Your Life" by Ted Chiang. The article at The Playlist I linked to is criminally dismissive of the screenwriter attached to the project just because he wrote a Final Destination movie (the fifth one), while you ought to be aware that that's the biggest draw for me. Anyway the story's about a female linguist trying to communicate with and discover why aliens have arrived - I guess since it's a female-led film it won't star Jake then.

--- Speaking of female leads, Darren Aronofsky is not making the lady espionage thriller Red Sparrow next after all. He hasn't got anything lined up to make next; I feel like he should get to working on something before Noah comes out and, uh, disappoints. (I really have a bad feeling about Noah, you guys.)

--- Golden Dames - Our pal Nathaniel took his Oscar numbers crunching game to Vanity Fair for this piece on the Best Actress line-up this year being the oldest one, median-wise, in the history of the Academy Awards. If Emma Thompson had gotten in in place of Amy Adams it would've been even more noticeable, but Amy's no spring chicken at 39. The thing that surprised me - I'm the same age as Anne Bancroft when she played Mrs. Robinson! I guess I've got to go sleep with a college boy then. The sacrifices we make.

--- Fire Breathing, Draggin' - Michael's pretty right on with his complaints about the second Hobbit movie over at The Film Experience but I'm glad he chose to focus in on the good stuff, because the good stuff in my mind outweighs the bad stuff. Yes it's super bloated but I had a lot of fun anyway. Smaug really is super duper spectacular on a big screen.

--- The King of Thong - Joe Manganiello has apparently directed a documentary about male strippers. I mean, what do I say to that? I don't even know what to say about that. It's called La Bare (of course it is) and it'll be playing Slamdance and he talks about why he made it over at The Playlist. Good grief.

--- Top O' The Toons - Also over at The Film Experience Tim looks at our brand new Best Animated Film nominees - I didn't really like Monsters University very much but it is worlds upon worlds, universes upon universes, less offensive than Despicable Me 2, which was garrrrrrrrrrrrrbage. I'm fine with Frozen or The Wind Rises winning, and they seem to be the front-runners. (TWR would have more of a chance if anybody really believed Miyazaki when he says he's retiring.)

--- Meat Mania - Antonia Bird's 1999 cannibal masterpiece Ravenous, one of my favorite movies ever, is finally getting put out onto Blu-ray! Celebrate by biting a chunk out of the shoulder of the person closest to you! The disc comes out sometime in June. It's such a gorgeously shot movie, I cannot wait to project it's beauty on my wall.

--- We Made It - There's a very funny piece over at The Wire wherein the movie folks there (including our pal Joe Reid) talk about the movies they have seen being filmed in real life. The Liam Neeson movie that Joe watched being filmed right outside his own apartment on the other side of the city from me also filmed right outside of my own apartment. I think we're going to sit down to watch that movie and discover it is an undercover documentary about us.

1 comment:

The Bloody Munchkin said...

Dear Joe Manganiello;

First that bloated excuse of a book, and now this, a retread of an idea of a movie you were in? I just... I can't anymore.


The Bloody Munchkin

P.S. We'll always have your naked ass in True Blood.