Thursday, January 23, 2014

Good Morning, World

Wish Rutger Hauer a happy 70th birthday today with some pics from a rather random selection - the 1974 sex romp Dandelions, aka Hard to Remember. I think that naming your movie Hard To Remember is maybe not the best idea? If I'd had Soldier of Orange on me I would've tried to do this post from that movie, but alas, I don't carry a copy of Solider of Orange around with me at all times. Y'all should see Soldier of Orange if you haven't though, it's a terrific early Verhoeven and it features this scene, which I adore. Back to the subject at hand I have no farking idea what Dandelions is all about, but hey, young Rutger Hauer's nothing to sneeze at. After the jump there's all manner of Hauer, if you so desire...


Anonymous said...

Thanks JA for the Rutger shoutout. There is not enough of him on this blog! :(
I saw this scene online not long ago and was stunned, it goes on for so long! I'm sure this will read really pervy but around the same time you capped the shot of him holding the woman something comes out to say hello very briefly!

Anonymous said...

Didn't he draw an outline of his cock in Turkish Delight? Oh, what a man!