Friday, December 13, 2013

I Am Link

--- Dirty Movie - I wasn't all that nuts for Jeff Nichols' film Mud (here's my review) but I love Jeff Nichols, so I'll go ahead and link on over to Tribeca Film's passionate defense of the film and curious wondering why it's being all but forgotten here in awards season. Bonus it begins with a giant shot of Matthew McConaughey with his shirt off.

--- Yule Just Die - There's nothing better - absolutely nothing! - than an horror-themed Christmas movie to get me in the yuletide spirit, and today over at The Film Experience Anne Marie is looking at three of the best. I pretty much have got to watch Gremlins immediately.
--- The Good Bits - is counting down the one hundred greatest scenes of 2013 (they'll post the final twenty-five on Monday) and going through it it was a whole bunch of "damn damn I missed that movie" over and over again, stressing me out. But in a good way...? Anyway my favorite write-up from therein is my pal Daniel Walber's take on one of the sex scenes in Kill Your Darlings, which I entirely co-sign...

"Kill Your Darlings is in many ways a film about transition. It bridges the gap between the dark violence of the closet and the bright sensuality of Allen Ginsberg’s poetry, the jump from hidden queer art to open expression. This one scene is a tortured, erotic expression of this in-between. Ginsberg finds himself trying to distract a college student library volunteer, a woman who ends up responding with a bit more enthusiasm than he expected. Meanwhile his friend Lucien Carr sneaks in. As they stare at each other through a stack of books, they seem to share Ginsberg’s orgasm. It’s an old, often unfortunate pre-Stonewall metaphor: homosexuality metaphorically expressed through a conduit, two men connecting through a woman. Yet here it seems on the cusp of finally coming out. It’s a complicated moment, rich with metaphor and also pretty hot."

--- Make That Tom Hairdy - It's not quite enough to justify an entire post, but the first pair of official pictures of Tom Hardy in Child 44 are here and man I want to just have sex with his hair-cut. I love a good sharp line like that. The film co-stars Jason Clarke, Vincent Cassel, and Joel Kinnaman and hopefully they all have drastic military cuts (Kinnaman does, we saw it on set).

--- Fashion Parade - I keep getting distracted with movie trailers today, I've got to write up my thoughts on American Hustle, I know I know - til I finish that, here's a list of the fourteen best costumes in the movie, for the fun part, and here's our bud Joe Reid's review of the movie, for a little less fun. I mean Joe's review is fun ("talking wig of a movie") but he might just dampen your enthusiasm for seeing it.

--- Sinister Leader - The truly cool news out of Sony developing an entire world of films a la The Avengers for Spider-Man (besides all the Spider-Bum we'll be getting of course) is that Drew Goddard, the man not named Joss Whedon behind The Cabin in the Woods, is writing and perhaps directing a Sinister Six movie. I'm only vaguely aware of what Sinister Six even is, but Drew Goddard, man! This is on top of the Daredevil series he's going to be running for Netflix. Drew everywhere!

--- And Speaking of Spider-Man, I posted the shots of Justin Matthew Sargent and Reeve Carney in Spider-Man Turn Off the Dark off of this countdown of the hottest guys of Broadway 2013 over at our Tumblr, see 'em here, but the whole list's full of doozies so check it out. (thanks Mac)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is this a recent pic of Matthew McConaughey? wow he looks great considering how skinny he looked in Dallas Buyers Club he looks like his regular fit self, wow impressive very handsome/cute again, hope he keeps the nude scenes coming.