Wednesday, December 11, 2013

I Am Link

--- Saggy Bottom - In case you care the nominations for the Screen Actors Guild awards were announced this morning, Glenn's got 'em over at The Film Experience. Happy about all the 12 Years a Slave love - Fassy's nominated! I was worried his non-campaigning would push him out of the race altogether. Do you think he might really get an Oscar nom finally? Anyway the big to-do is the fact that Robert Redford didn't make the cut for a Best Actor nomination (which honestly is fine by me I wasn't nuts about All Is Lost anyway, and I find the argument that Robert Redford is overdue annoying - he's never been much of an actor. A movie star, for sure! But not an actor. Not that that's really stopped people from winning awards before.)

--- And Speaking of SAG snubs, I love Joe Reid for many reasons, and citing Taran Killam as a snub for 12 Years a Slave just got tossed onto the heap.

--- Brady's Bunch - Actor Brady Corbet (you know him from Mysterious Skin, or the Funny Games remake, or Simon Killer, or from stalking me at The New York Film Festival) has written a script and is going to direct it, and he's gotten quite a triumvirate of actors to star in it - Tim Roth, Juliette Binoche, and Robert Pattinson! My my.
--- J-Lo's Napkin Rings - A dude who sold furniture to celebrities in Los Angeles a few years ago wrote an article about doing just that for Salon and it is pretty entertaining if you're into itty bitty starfucking encounters. Maybe I was just excited to hear what the hell Bridget Fonda's been up to. Buying candelsticks, apparently!

--- White Steed - Have any of you read Mark Helprin's book Winter's Tale? I have not and now it's a movie starring Colin Farrell so I won't have to, I guess. The Playlist, which is showing off the first trailer, says the book's long been considered unfilmable. Those always work out well, movie-wise.
--- Manned Machine - A few quotes from an interview with Joel Kinnaman on tackling Robocop can be read over here, but it's mostly just the expected PR stuff about how he wanted to work with the director José Padilha, blah blah. He does say that Padilha was able to get a political perspective, a point of view, into the thing, so we'll see. That's what I'm most worried about - Verhoeven's films, as big and ridiculous as they usually are, are absolutely nobody else's.

--- All Hours - Haven't gotten a chance to read this yet but Steven Soderbergh has written up his thoughts on Martin Scorsese's film After Hours and his love for it, for some reason. I mean "for some reason" with regards to why he wrote, not why he loves it - I love After Hours too. It's in my top five Martys, for sure.

--- Chainsaw Fucker - Bust out the bee-bee-que, an Off-Broadway musical version of Heathers is going to open here in New York City in March. Its from the guy who made the Legally Blonde musical. Hmm, I wonder if he's perhaps a homosexual?


Brad Heberling said...

I read Helprin's book. When was it ? Late 70's Early 80's?
It is highly fantastical. It would be impossible to film if it weren't for CGI. I Think Colin Farrell is a wonderful actor and I hope this film works.

Step said...

Forget unfilmable. Winter's Tale is UNREADABLE.

The Bloody Munchkin said...

Re: an Off-Broadway musical version of Heathers.
Well my teenage angst bullshit now has a body count --- of anticipation for this project! I haven't been this jealous of your theater-seeing self since the Saved By The Bell Musical. I'm so excited, I'm so excited I'm scared to see a theatrical rendition of Martha Dumptruck I can't even begin to tell you.