Monday, December 02, 2013

Gratuitous Tom Daley

We can all breath a sigh of relief today. Tom Daley's speedo area is definitely getting some action. Of the man-on-man sort! And while I don't want to say that were he entirely heterosexual that terrific ass of his would be going unloved, well the numbers are in our favor that that terrific ass of his is probably most definitely getting the attention it so deserves now that we know there's another dude at the wheel. Phew!

In all seriousness though good on him. Glad he was able to take the public leap (har har). So we've posted pictures of Mr. Daley in the past - see here and especially here - but I have a ton sitting around and this is as good a chance as I'll probably ever get to finally post 'em. Dive on past the jump for a few dozen...


Joey said...

Everything with Daley is gratuitous. And that's not a criticism. I love his little behind.

Anonymous said...

I'm having an Anderson Cooper moment.. I thought he was already out? Oh well, good for him.

Anderson Pooper said...

Honey, I can spot a gay face, in a crowd of a hundreds. It's a gift I always assume everyone had. Obviously MOST gays aren't able to identify their own kind unless they're mincing down the street carrying a purse and a miniature labradoodle, sporting penciled on eyebrows and belting out the chorus to Funny Girl at the top of their voice.

Also Tom Daley stated in that dailymail article that he still "fancies girls". Phew, so he's not completely a filthy sickening degenerate, only partly. I'm so glad he went out of his way to assured us of this, I almost started praying for his soul. :/

James said...

Why do gay men often chide other men who say they're attracted to both men and women? It's the most hypocritical thing. Obviously some people who are really gay say they're bi because they're afraid of admitting the full truth, but that doesn't mean there aren't millions of people who are legitimately attracted to both sexes. And to make fun of or refute someone's claims about their own sexuality without any actual cause for doubt is not just mean, it's the EXACT thing that has caused most people who aren't some anguish. He's only 19, a public figure, and against the advice of loved ones, had the courage to come out publicly. Alot of people aren't even brave enough to come out to their families. This is what he is dealing with. Let's show some solidarity.

Anderson Pooper said...

James, firstly in today's climate someone coming out as "bisexual" and preferring a homosexual relationship over a heterosexual relationship when you have indicated that you are attracted to both sexes sends a message to moronic heterosexual bigots that gay men CHOOSE to be gay even though their "natural god-given" attraction to women exists, they suppress it to be a "pervert" and to go against "god's plan".

Why did he have to mention anything about his bisexuality other than to reassure his fans that he's "still normal"? It's the way he said it that really irritated the shit out of me, this pathetic little amission that basically amounts to "don't worry, I still normal". Do you honestly think that his family's hesitance, him being in the public eye and a pack of ravenous PR jackals whispering in his ear didn't play a huge part with him deciding to straddle the fence? They were afraid some pap would catch him with his tongue down a MAN's throat and so did what they had to do but tried to safeguard his popularity by making him "less threatening".

And after all, If you've been a gay man long enough in this world, you know that bisexuality is only a phase which gives way to straight-forward homosexuality when the lady-loving dicksucker in question finally comes to terms with their sexuality and finally accepts themselves.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I can attest to this. Bi guys are just gay guys who are attractive and butch enough to pass for str8 but love the dick too much to stay in the closet. Guys like these make out with girls at parties and flirt with them in front of str8 male friends but rarely enter into a monogamous heterosexual relationship with a female for longer than a week or two. It's all insecure posturing, I'm afraid. :/

James said...

You two are ridiculous. Why on earth couldn't someone be attracted to both sexes? And if Tom Daley is, why on earth should be only admit to liking men just so some moronic bigot doesn't feel vindicated. I know many people who are bisexual. Sexuality isn't always black and white, as anyone who knows anything will tell you.

Anderson Pooper said...

Wow, you live in such a beautifully idealistic world where everything makes sense and everyone is rational and logical. I wish every gay teenage boy getting beaten to a pulp right now for CHOOSING to be gay could move there...because ya know, sexuality isn't black and white and stuff. :/

James said...

I'm gay myself but I hardly blame people who's sexuality is something other than straight or gay for any mistreatment I or any other gay person receives. Some people are bigots and have it in for gay people. Many of them insist it's a choice because that's their way of justifying the existence of gay people in a world they're convinced a homophobic god created. Whether you are gay or bi, those people will still think you're making a choice to be not straight. Tom Daley's coming out really doesn't have an impact on their mindset. And even if it did, should Tom Daley, a 19 year old, really be expected to not admit the full truth(assuming he truly is also attracted to woman) just to maybe, in some sort of vague way, maybe kinda sorta (but probably not) have an impact on a couple of homophobes? It just doesn't make sense. I fail to see how you think Tom Daley saying "I'm fucking another male" and leaving it at that would have an impact in reducing hate against gay people.

Anderson Pooper said...

A homophobe or just some straight teenager who finds the idea of homosexuality weird watches TV sees a gay man in a gay relationship with another gay man admit that he has the capacity for "normality" but CHOOSES to go against that to be a "sexual deviant" which further reinforces that assumption. Gay people have fought for a very long time to change the perception that being gay is a choice and when you see someone like Tom Daley triumphantly exclaim on the internet that, yes homosexuality is in fact very much a choice, he does a great disservice to a lot of people.

The key to fighting prejudice and discrimination is to change the way people view the affected minority. That's what civil rights leaders did by showing Americans that black people weren't the nightmarish creatures they had conjured in their warped bigoted minds and what was the end product; a black president was elected in a country where a few years ago a black man wasn't even allowed to use a white toilet.

In a perfect world, I agree people should be free to love and fuck who ever they want but here in the real world with places like Russia and violent right wing fascists in France and American politician using people's fear of human sexuality to garner votes, gay men with "fluid sexuality" only contributes to the problem.

Why else would it be then that it's always gay men in gay relationships who come out as bisexual and never the other way around? Especially considering that invariably you'll never ever find a married father of 4 profess his equal devotion to "the p AND the v".

You may not blame people's sexuality for the mistreatment of gay person but that doesn't change the fact that the way society perceives homosexuals DOES affect the way they are treated.

James said...

I agree with most of what you're saying, but Tom Daley didn't say being attracted to men was a choice he made. Bisexual people don't choose to be attracted to both sexes, they just are. And it's sad that people would misconstrue his comment to mean that, but it's not his fault, he's just a kid, and considering the enormous amount of hate being thrown his away after telling the world he has sex with other men, I still think that anyone who has been on the receiving end of any bias or hate against because of their sexuality should respect his coming out, not criticize it because it didn't happen the exact way you wanted it to. I really and truly believe his coming out with have absolutely no consequential effect on the choice/not a choice issue. I am confident his coming out did much more good than bad. Forgot about the homophobes for a second and just imagine the number of gay (or bi) young people who maybe be affected positively by it.

Anonymous said...

@ James:

THANK YOU. I find it not only dispiriting but even tragic that gay men (and women) are so often hostile and mistrustful of bisexuals. It's ridiculous.

You, James, are absolutely right: the exact same impetus that leads people to dismiss the homosexual orientation out of hand is at work when people who should really know better choose to attack the "B" in our LGBTQ community.

Anderson Pooper claims Tom Daley "chose" to be bisexual. No, he didn't. And even if -- IF -- at some point in the future Tom moves away from claiming bisexuality, it's not as if there aren't millions of honest to god bisexuals all over the world.

@ Anderson Pooper:

You talk about the evils of choice, Anderson Pooper. Well, right now you're choosing to be a bigot. And that's not a choice for which I hold much respect.

Craig Buntin said...

Tom is only 19. I think we should be proud of him for doing a YouTube video that has been seen 8 Million times and has had a big impact. Maybe he didn't use the exact terminology that everyone wanted, but he may come out as fully gay in a few years when he is ready. Btw, the blog post above implies that Tom is a bottom, but people are saying that if he is with Dustin Lance Black he is probably a top!

Anonymous said...

I think he's an obnoxious, spoiled young man, whose tattoo now propels him into the "loser" catagory