Monday, November 25, 2013

Quote of the Day

"Netting a Best Actor trophy for Tom Hanks, Philadelphia came out in 1993. Now, here we are, a whopping 20 years later, with an Oscar contender that deals with the same gay-related issues, but positions a homophobic redneck as its flawed hero. No matter how you slice it, this is a dreadful product to be released into today's culture, let alone the profile-boosting realm of year-end awards. To those offering the justification that this is simply "one story," I'd clap back with the fact that it's the only such story the industry has felt compelled to tell in years... Therefore, the best advocate that millions of AIDS-infected gays are able to get in a popular, modern film is a man who finds them repulsive."

--- Via R. Kurt Osenlund's terrifically, appropriately angry piece at The House Next Door today on The Dallas Buyers Club, which you may recall drove me to the whole "steam coming out of my ear holes" place when I reviewed it, too.

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