Friday, November 15, 2013

Noted Homosexual's Health

Well well, look who's decided to do press for that Hobbit movie - it's Noted Homosexual Luke Evans, and that's from a behind-the-scenes video (which you can watch in full below) for his cover shoot for Men's Health magazine. Look how rough and tumble and butch he is next to that motorcycle! I can smell the testoserone wafting right off of my computer screen, I tell ya what. He's a man's man! A real cornholer.

I'd say the choicest quote from the article in the magazine has to do with why dear dear Luke hasn't joined any social media (anonymous Cam4 trolling totally doesn't count!):

"For your own self-respect and sanity, your creative freedom, you have to be careful that you don’t rely too much on other people’s opinions of what you do, because it can stunt and inhibit you. You can read 50 great things about yourself, but the one bad thing will be what you remember most."  

Like you're a skeezy closet case soulless asshole piece of shit? I mean that's just the first example that pops to mind, a hypothetical something nasty that somebody online might say, is all. Fuck it, let's look at him half naked again, I hate myself.


Mora said...

He's very good looking. I had no idea He was gay. But has he ever denied being gay?

das buut said...

Something has spooked him. He never came across as having a great backbone, but something scared him 'straight', literally. I wonder if he had a relationship with the new man of wood. That was about the time he went dark and Cavill went beard shopping.

James said...

Ok, it sucks that he now tries to hide his sexuality, but this post is just mean as hell. Shouldn't our anger be directed at a homophobic industry and homophobic audiences, rather than an actor who, once he hit it big, was most likely told to keep his mouth shut or his career would be over?

If we're pissed at him, shouldn't we also be pissed at Hugh Jackman, Henry Cavill, Vin Diesel, and countless other closet cases? Maybe you know something I don't know about him, but hiding your sexuality out of fear doesn't make you an asshole.

Rock said...

Remind me again, how many times have Zachary Quinto and Matt Bomer been on the cover of Men's Health? Yeah, I thought so.

Jason Adams said...

No worries I have enough anger for all of them, James. And I'm not about to feel bad for poor Luke Evans, turning his "fear" into million and millions of dollars. He made a choice. He can cry me a river made out of golden doubloons.

Anonymous said...

Is Twitter not considered social media? He has a Twitter (@TheRealLukevans), it's even verified.

Dan said...

Not sure about Henry Cavill, but wasn't he engaged to a woman for a while? Also I know that Hugh Jackman is married to a woman and Vin Diesel has a female partner, so how does that make them closet cases James?

Anonymous said...

Sir Ian McKellen outed him in an interview he said 3 gays on set; him, Stephen Fry and Luke Evans.

Anonymous said...

Please as soon as a hot guy shows himself halfnaked he is gay. So what it is his life he can live it however he wants. Luke Evans is the hotest male alive and I love him @thereallukeevans you are the best