Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Judge Judi and Elocutioner

I don't think I've made mention of the fact that the trailer for Philomena turns me into a blubbering mess every time I see it, but it does, and I'm totally looking forward to seeing the film and making a spectacle of my blubbering in a crowd. And a fancy crowd at that - I'm seeing it this weekend at MoMA for their Contenders series. Anyway I think I ought to carve Judi Dench 4eva in my stomach a la Marky Mark in Fear and just be done with it. That clip above - the way she says "bi-curious" has me wanting to push Cate Blanchett down a flight of stairs so we can just give Judi the Oscar without all the hassle. How exciting is it that the race might turn out to be Notes on a Scandal: Redux though? But Wesley Snipes said it best - always bet on Dench.


Anonymous said...

I've been thinking all year that this was Dench's to lose. Blanchett has the early reviews, but Dench will be coming out at just the right time.

Adam said...

Dench doesn't really do anything in the movie except what they always do in those little old lady comedies. (It is, somehow, mostly a comedy!) We're supposed to giggle about her discussing homosexuality or saying the F-word. I feel bad for Judi because she might've been great if this wasn't Steve Coogan's vanity project.

Scot said...

I would watch Judi Dench read the phone book....and probably enjoy it more that a lot of the crap other other actors and actresses have done lately!

Scot said...

By the way...The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel 2 has just been announced. Looking forward to seeing it already.

Anonymous said...

I found the film very affecting: warmly humorous, and moving, but not the tear jerker that it could have been in the wrong hands. I did not know it was based on a true story and saw it knowing nothing about it which was ideal for the way the story is told. Your quote from the trailer reveals too much already. Go and enjoy.