Friday, October 11, 2013

Sup Wit Xav

I hesitated on loving Xavier Dolan for awhile - I liked if not always loved what he was doing movie-wise, but his Quebecois Hipster Persona was giving me a lot of pause. Then I saw him in person speaking about his last film Laurence Anyways, and he totally won me over and yadda yadda all my hesitation's history, he is my pretend arty French-Canadian boyfriend now. (ALL MINE.)

When I saw him speak he talked about wanting to make a movie in Hollywood about an actor - and he really wanted it to star Taylor Kitsch, ha - but it appears that's on the back burner because The Playlist is reporting he's set to start work on something called Mommy, which will star his previous belles dames Anne Dorval and Suzanne Clément, about a woman who takes custody of a kid with "a dark past." Sounds full of possibility!

His last film Tom at the Farm is still making the festival rounds - I am terribly sad it didn't play NYFF, actually. I'm dying to see it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dolan confirmed it by arriving late yesterday (Sunday night) and not showing up (Friday night) at the Q&A for Tom à la ferme at the Festival du nouveau cinéma in Montreal, he was filming outside of Montreal his fifth movie with Clément and Dorval. So it's official!