Thursday, October 24, 2013

I Am So Disappointed In You, Captain America

I don't even want to post about the trailer for the new Captain American movie, it's so entirely devoid of what I go to a Chris Evans movie to see. Look there up top, you can sort of see a little bit of Chris Evans' butt for a single frame. Sort of. WTF! Is there anything like this shot from the first movie's trailer?

Or this from The Avengers?

Nope. Nothing. Nada. Zippy-do-dah, zippity nay. What are they thinking? Even the Thor sequel's trailer knew well enough to stuff a hint of Hemsworth beef in there. I think these guys are getting above themselves. We need to check them. You're here for a reason, Chris Evans! Deliver, or else! My wrath will put that Red Skull fellow to shame. You have NO IDEA what I am capable of. This is how super-villains are born, I tells ya what.


Tom M said...

This distills all that I love about you and your blog in one tight, perky little post.

paco. said...

this though

Jason Adams said...

Well shit how'd I miss that? Thanks paco!