Monday, October 28, 2013

Happy 111, Elsa

The woman behind the Bride of Frankenstein was born one-hundred and eleven years ago today. But as we've told you before, Elsa Lanchester was so much more than just that one (admittedly amazing) movie - her auto-biography is one of the all-time greats; it's shamefully out of print, but our friend Tom is trying to change that and you should head over to the Facebook campaign to help him get it done. Do it for Elsa, do it for all of us, so we can all cry out, "She lives! She liiiiiiiiives!"

1 comment:

SeangSTM said...

Every time the Lanchester is shown as the Bride, I cannot help but think of Katie Nanna in Mary Poppins.

"My wages, if you please..."