Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Daniel Radcliffe Three Times


This Radcliffy hodgepodge is clearly built from three different photo-shoots (and the one of him on the bed is from 2009) but they're all new and wonderful to me and I wanted to take a moment to remind y'all that Kill Your Darlings is finally out in theaters, at least in New York and Los Angeles, today! I wasn't able to get to any early screenings thanks to the ridiculous pile-up of other stuff I had going on but I hope to see it in the next few days. Anybody seen it yet? And just as importantly did you hear Daniel Radcliffe talk about the pains of butt-sex in that new interview?

"I was talked through it by the director. He would be telling me what I would be feeling in each take. Basically, gay sex, especially for the first time, is really f**king painful. And [Krokidas] said that he had never seen that portrayed accurately on film before. He wanted it to look like an authentic loss of virginity."

I could listen to Daniel Radcliffe talk about getting his ass torn up all day long, couldn't you? So sweet.


Erik Anderson said...

I saw it a few weeks ago and it's really good. Both Radcliffe and DeHaan are excellent (especially the latter) and Radcliffe's gay sex scene is brief, strangely graphic yet not so. Boy, is he a hairy little beast.

Roark said...

Saw it at TIFF. It's solid. A bit too conventionally biopic-ish given its subjects, but the period detail is pretty sharp and the acting is terrific. Radcliffe is adorable throughout.

Rupert said...

So I take it there's no full frontal nudity then? :(