Monday, September 30, 2013

Today's Fanboy Delusion

Today I'd rather be...

... parrying with Hiddleston (via).

Never change out of that t-shirt, Tom.


Anonymous said...

I seriously don't get people's obsession with this guy. Good actor but he is incredibly fug in that lanky British way

Anonymous said...

I seriously will neeeever get the obsession with Hiddleston. And am I also the only one who dislikes Loki too, for that matter? Average, at BEST, villain who took over the Avengers movie and is taking over the Thor sequel. If he really gets a solo movie before, say, Black Widow or any other female hero, I will riot.

Jason Adams said...

I didn't get him for awhile, but he's grown on me. He's got the confidence.

tanpoffel said...

Wait till you meet him in real life and he undresses you with his eyes. *sigh*

Sandisan said...

He is objectively yummy. It is a FACT of the universe. That tshirt is the best thing EVER. And "lank British way" does not equal fug it equals YUMMY. Someone, I dunno, maybe Heisenberg said that. PROVED it with science and all that jazz. (all that jazz)