Friday, September 13, 2013

I Am Link

--- Mini Cooper - The first pair of pictures from Need For Speed are online, and obviously I only give a shit about this movie because it stars Dominic Cooper, let's not pretend otherwise. It's an adaptation of that video game of the same name, blah blah, cars, blah, show your ass, Dom!

--- Lost For 10 - We posted about yesterday being the 10th anniversary of Lost in Translation already, but here's an interview with Sofia Coppola reflecting back upon the making of it. Some great stories in there. She adores Bill Murray.

--- Pfamily Matters - We do love Michelle Pfeiffer, but not nearly enough to go see that DeNiro movie she's got opening this weekend. But at least its release prompted Joe Reid to write up a list of her roles according to order of terrifying beauty. If there was only number one, there would be everything.
--- Super Stars - Didja see the first picture from David Cronenberg's new movie Map to the Stars? Over at The Film Experience Nathaniel listed off some thoughts he had while looking at Julianne Moore and Sarah Gadon doing their touchy feely thing and each one's awesomer than the one before it. I can't even tell you how excited I am about Juli working was DC. 
--- Kaleidoscope Eyes - If you've seen Corman's World, the doc on legendary B-movie maker Roger Corman, then you know he's lived a life and a half and the thought of a fictional bio-pic makes your head spin with the possibilities of who could play the characters in his life - like who the hell do you get to play a young Pam Grier? Anyway Gremlins director Joe Dante is going to try to make one, it'll be called The Man With the Kaleidoscope Eyes, and Corman himself is cameoing in it as himself? I don't know.

--- Meta Mortimer - Ooh we love Emily Mortimer, and we love Brian DePalma, and they are making a movie together! And even more exciting if you ask me, he's making a meta movie about making movies. It will be about a director making a movie out of Emile Zola's book Therese Raquin, and how the people making the movie start to live out the book in their lives. The book's about slutting it up and murder, so a million times yes. Maybe Emily's husband can get a part in it! (Cue excuse to post a picture of Alessandro Nivola here.)

--- Lil' Creeper - Elijah Wood has teamed up with Timecrimes director Nacho Vigalondo for Open Windows, a cyber-thriller with Elijah once again tapping into his creepiness to play a dude who's stalking a chick (played by porn star Sasha Grey) via the internet, and you can watch the trailer right here. Or below! I didn't like Vigalondo's last movie, the sci-fi comedy-of-sorts Extraterrestrial, so let's hope this offers some redemption.


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