Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Think I'll Go See These Guys Again Now

Have you done your duty for The World's End?

1 comment:

Lars said...

I'm glad I only paid $5 for it. I love "Shaun of the Dead" and British humor in general, but this is such a disappointment. The writing is bad, both dialogue-wise and character-wise. I didn't care about any of the character since they are just cardboard cut-outs. The whole premise is suspicious (who really cares about the Golden Mile) and it's been done so many times (of course minus the aliens).

It took 30 minutes to get into the main action, but once the aliens appear, they are not scary or inventive (Is the "robot" the Iron Giant's brother? or from one of Miyazaki's animes?). I know it's a riff on the bodysnatchers movies, but it will be funny if it's still the 90s (really, WTF???). Simon Pegg gives one of the most incredibly irritating performances this year (besides Jodie Foster's WTF performance in "Elysium"). Nick Frost saves this from being outright disaster for me. I even got a headache after the movie...