There's been a shocking lack of pictures from Adore displayed here at MNPP, so let's right that quick-like with these new shots of Xavier Samuel and James Frecheville sauntering their sexy mother-humping selves around.
I know this film's gotten reviews of the "so bad it's hysterical" variety out of festivals, and the trailer elicits some chuckles every time I see it, but... well there is no "but" (except for Xavier Samuel's hopefully!) - I want to see it because it's supposed to be "so bad it's hysterical," and also all the half-naked Xavier and James. Simple needs, I have so many...
Think there's any chance the movie ends
with these two together?
If I ask nicely, maybe?
(see more of them together here)
I've read that their relationship is plenty homoerotic, but I don't think it ever goes as far as you, me and every other right thinking being on the planet would like it to.
My favorite Xavier Samuel movie is that remake of "Blue Lagoon" that he made with Hunter Parrish.
Oh, wait--that's just in my head. Sorry.
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