Monday, July 22, 2013

The Finnick Countdown

I'm actually starting to feel a little bit bad for Sam Claflin. Is anybody happy with how he looks as Finnick? If you're out there, let me know. I think he looks awful and all I've heard is negative feedback so I would genuinely love to hear somebody say, "Hey! That's for me!" so I can stop feeling bad for him. I don't want to pile on him or anything. It's not personal. Although besides him not looking right for the part, to my eyes, I've also found the two performances of his that I've seen - in Pirates and in Snow White and the Hunstman - entirely forgettably bland. So maybe it is personal, at this point? Whatever. That shot up top is via JJ, which also has this quote from him which I think I'd missed:

"They did have to tone it down from what it is in the book because they can’t make it too graphic if you know what I’m saying,” Sam previously told EW. “Because it was just a knot covering his, basically, you know what I’m saying! I was definitely prepared to do anything. But the costumer said ‘Well we can’t have you in nothing’ so I’m kind of covered up."

You can see more of how they covered up his "basically you know what I'm saying" below in the shot from the brand new trailer. That giant ugly skirt is too much, both literally and emotionally, for any of us to bear. S'no damned good.


Joey said...

He looks like he sells pineapple ashtrays on the side of the road

Anonymous said...

He's mighty cute, but that ridiculousness he's wearing is baaaad.

mangrove said...

I think that the concept of exposing teenage girls to a "man-whore" character to slobber about is so alien to Hollywood that the character had to be revised.
But they went out of their way in the casting with the least sexual actor ever and now this costume that Finnick is neutered beyond recognition.

Anonymous said...

even though I don't think he looks like how I imagined Finnick, I still think he is fucking hot, looks alot stronger/more muscular than my impression of him has previously been, and.... yeah. I would prefer Hammer or Hedlund, but he still gets me going.

Derreck said...

People really do need to give him a chance. I totally think this is going to end up like Rob Pattinson in Twlight. At first, people were like "him? really?" until they saw him in the part and ended up leaving their theater seats all sticky.

(I say this as someone who has never seen the movies but personally know a few fans)

Derreck said...

When reading, i pictured a dude similar to Colin Farrell in Alexander but Hunter Parrish would've been a great choice.

The Bloody Munchkin said...

God, there's so many things wrong in that picture. Joey pretty much has my sentiments down pat. I had the feeling when he got cast that they were going to tone down the character a bit, which is why I didn't want him cast, but this is just ridiculous. Who in their right mind is going to swoon over that.

Anonymous said...

He's the literal embodiment of boringness.

Anonymous said...

Well, i seem to be the only one who love Sam Claflin as Finnick. I don't know there is something about him and his face that makes a perfect Finnick to me. And I can already see him with Josh Hutcherson and Jennifer Lawrence on the beach. I understand that people don't like him because they read the book and pictured somone else or maybe he's just not their taste but maybe we should wait to actually see him in the movie (because even in the new trailer we see him only 1 seconde)and judge his performance and not only his look.

John from Jersey said...

What makes it even more frustrating is that in the same trailer where we see Sam Claflin as Finnick we also see Alan Ritchson as Gloss.... ugh, god, couldn't they have just swapped them? It's like they got the right guys but then put them in the wrong roles.

Even if you don't think Ritchson has Finnick's sexual allure he absolutely has that dead-on assured cockiness that Finnick needs, no acting required.

Having both of these guys together in the movie makes it seem like the filmmakers were so close to making a better casting call but then blew it in the end.

Anonymous said...

In these stills, his face looks like some wax dummy, or maybe the cover of a 70s romance novel. & his pecs... they look odd to me, like little pouches. & then of course the skirt thing... none of this is looking like it will shape up right for me. I'm just... eh.

Anonymous said...

I've been thinking Daniel Sharman should have played him.

Scot said...

He looks more like the greeter boy at the Fire Island Walmart. He's going to rescue Katnis & Peeta? Really?

Anonymous said...

He looks really really bad. Twice his age. He looks like Matthew mcconaughey older brother.


Anonymous said...

Never read the books. Does it say in there somewhere that Finnick has a bad dye job and that his hairline is rapidly receding? If so, at least they got THAT right.

bcarter3 said...

I thought Hunter Parrish would have a lock on this role, but Sam Claflin will be fine. The preview made me instantly hit the Pause button when he appeared.

The costume is awful.

Anonymous said...

I think Sam Claflin is absolutely gorgeous but he looks absolutely horrendous in that sugar cube short. Also those clothes need to go.