Thursday, May 23, 2013

Viva Space Gratuity

Personally I find the supposed brouhaha over the shot of Alice Eve in her panties in Star Trek Into Darkness beyond silly - if we need to start having legitimate "reasons" to want to look at gorgeous people in their underpants then I'm moving to the Moon! And there upon the Moon I will build a society that embraces gratuity, in all its forms. I mean I don't so much care to see Alice Eve in her panties but once they come for one, they come for all. Stand united against the puritanical ninnies! (I mean wouldn't our time be better spent casting a critical eye upon the movie's appropriation of 9/11 imagery and the sight of millions of people getting killed, rather than a pair of lovely breasts, anyway? Just maybe?) And anyway, the movie had totally already leered at Kirk once.

I could've used more of that (when can't I) - the first movie did a marvelous job keeping Chris Pine in some incredibly snug skivvies for lengthy scene - but I figure they threw us a bone, at least. And that's not even getting to Mr. Pine in that wetsuit in the opening scene...

Mmmmm. (via) Well JJ Abrams was on Conan last night talking about this ridiculous controversy and you can watch the clip here but he showed a deleted shot from the movie which I think we'll all appreciate, since it's Benedict Cumberbatch in the space-shower...

Equal opportunity leering!
Leering for all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what scene is when Chris Pine is with that lady in bed? no the green lady....