Wednesday, May 22, 2013

I Am Link

--- Pratt Fall - Lots of news this morning about Spike Jonze's new movie called Her, which stars Joaquin Phoenix as a dude who falls for a computer - it will be out for Thanksgiving, firstly. Secondly, besides also having Samantha Morton (yay), Rooney Mara (yay) and Olivia Wilde (boo) in the cast, which we already knew about, the film also has Scarlett Johannson and Chris Pratt (!!!) in it. And this is an aside but I didn't know it had already even shot. It's done already! Awesome.

--- Mommy Dearest - Have you watched Bates Motel's first season yet? Good god I loved it. Vera Farmiga deserves all of the awards, she's so totally on fire in that role. Anyway here's an interview with show-runner Carlton Cuse about where the second season is headed.
--- Double Sexed - I'm sure all of you read this news yesterday when it broke but if not, here we go - one of the producers of Lars Von Trier's new film Nymphomaniac told the crowd at Cannes that the movie didn't make it to play Cannes because of the elaborate special effects. Apparently they're CG'ing together the famous actors (Shia LaBeouf, Uma Thurman, so on) pretending to have sex with body doubles actually having sex. So expect Shia's wang to have grown by like a foot the next time we see it, I guess.

--- Summer's End - We saw the UK trailer for Edgar Wright's The World's End - his third movie with Simon Pegg and Nick Frost in a loose trilogy including Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz - last week, and now we shall see the American one, via Slash. It opes in July in the UK and in August here in the States. Huzzah.

--- Veloci Crapper - Sam Neill called Jurassic Park 4 a "reboot" and a "rejig," but Slash thinks he means it's just going in a new direction, not that they're remaking the first movie or anything. I agree. Sadly I think that means we won't see Laura Dern, and that's what I wanted most of all.
--- Cool Rider - Liam Hemsworth is going to star in a movie about a surfer who becomes a fighter pilot and then you know saves the world or whatever, brah. Good grief. And the money you know that will spent on this idea! Anyway at least we'll see some of Liam surfing most likely. That will be a bright spot.

--- True Believer - I totally forgot this was even a thing but JJ Abrams and Alfonso Cuaron teamed up on a TV show and now there's a trailer. It's called Believe and it's about an ex-con who has to protect a little girl with some sort of super powers. I haven't watched the trailer yet but it's being compared to Fringe, which in my mind is of course a very good thing. Cuaron directed the pilot. NBC hasn't scheduled it yet, so it'll probably be a mid-season replacement.

--- Decade Now - I'd have to go look through my top tens for the past three years to do this and I haven't done that yet but Nat wrote up a list of his ten favorite movies of the 2010s so far, and it's got some great 'uns in there. The comments are unfortunately riddled with defenses of The Tree of Life though - I'm just gonna have to square myself with arguing people about that movie forever, aren't I?


MrJeffery said...

that chris pratt gif is helping my day. thanks.

Jason Adams said...

Did you see this? That might help, too.