Thursday, May 02, 2013

Good Morning, Becks

Why lay in bed if you haven't got a photographer there to capture the moment? That's what David Beckham has taught me. He really one-upped Linda Evangalista's claim of not getting out of bed for less than ten thousand dollars - he stays in bed and gets the ten thousand dollars! Take that, supermodel! It's Becks' 38th birthday today, and I didn't think I'd be able to dig up pictures of him in a state of undress that I'd not posted before, and I'm still not sure I haven't actually posted these behind-the-scenes shots from one of his Armani underpants shoots - how could I possibly remember them all? I've seen David Beckham in his underpants more than I've seen myself in my underpants, and that is a fact. And by the way these pictures are enormous, so click 'em to embiggen.

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